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How to catch coordinates of mouse cursor (IDE Delphi) to invoke Context Menu

How to catch coordinates of mouse cursor (IDE Delphi) when I invoke Context Menu to create a new control?

I'd like to create a new component via Context Menu at same coordinates where Context Menu was invoked.

I'm creating my own component editor to do this, then I need the coordinates of mouse to create the control there.

I don't know if I understood your question well, but there are some ways to capture position of your mouse:

Method 1 - Capture the mouse position on your screen : Here you can use TMouse class like this:

  m: TMouse;
  lbl_cordinate_screen.Caption := format('Mouse cordinate on screen: x:%d, y:%d', 
                                          [m.CursorPos.X, m.CursorPos.y]);

Method 2 - Capture the mouse position on a control: Here you can use GetCursorPos , I declared a function called cursorCordinate , it will receive a control name (I used my form named frm_main as given control but it can be any other control like a button, label or anything else) and it will return a TPoint value containing position of mouse on given control:

//function to capture mouse position on a control
function cursorCordinate(myCtrl: TWinControl): TPoint;
  mouse_p: TPoint;
  ScreenToClient(myCtrl.Handle, mouse_p );
  result := mouse_p;

usage example:

  lbl_cordinate_form_1.Caption := format('Mouse cordinate on form: x:%d, y:%d',  
                                          [cursorCordinate(frm_main).X, cursorCordinate(frm_main).y]);

Method 3 - Another way to capture the mouse position on a control: Here you can use control's OnMouseMove event and its X and Y parameters, just place your code block in this event. I used it to show mouse position on my form ( frm_main ) in a label ( lbl_cordinate_form_2 ), but you can use any other control's OnMouseMove event:

procedure Tfrm_main.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
  Y: Integer);
lbl_cordinate_form_2.Caption := format('Mouse cordinate on form: x:%d, y:%d', [x, y]);

You can see the result in image; first line is result of Method 1 , second line for Method 2 and third line belongs to Method 3 :


By add this cod to FormContextPopup can obtain mouse position

   uses FMX.Forms;
 procedure TForm88.FormContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint;
      var Handled: Boolean);

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