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Problem with getAuth() in a different route - SvelteKit

I am trying to set up Firebase email/password authentication in SvelteKit. In __layout.svelte I initialize my Firebase app:

<script lang="ts">
    import { onMount } from 'svelte';
    import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';

    onMount(() => {
        // Your web app's Firebase configuration
        const firebaseConfig = {
            apiKey: '***',
            authDomain: '***.firebaseapp.com',
            projectId: '***',
            storageBucket: '***.appspot.com',
            messagingSenderId: '***',
            appId: '***'

        // Initialize Firebase
        const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

For my login/signup route, I need to call getAuth() but whenever I do, I get an error:

<script lang="ts">
    import { onMount } from 'svelte';
    import { getAuth, connectAuthEmulator } from 'firebase/auth';

    onMount(() => {
        const auth = getAuth(); //**ERROR HERE**
        connectAuthEmulator(auth, 'http://localhost:9099');

The error I get is:

Firebase: No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase App.initializeApp()

I think this is because I need to pass the app from __layout.svelte inside the getAuth() function, but I don't know how to export app to my login route to do so.

I suspect you are getting stuck in asynchronous issues...

file: Auth.svelte

<script lang="ts">
    import { onMount } from 'svelte';
    import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';
    import { getAuth, connectAuthEmulator } from 'firebase/auth';

    onMount(async () => {
        const firebaseConfig = {
            apiKey: '***',
            authDomain: '***.firebaseapp.com',
            projectId: '***',
            storageBucket: '***.appspot.com',
            messagingSenderId: '***',
            appId: '***'

        // Initialize Firebase
        const app = await initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
        const auth = getAuth(); // This should work... 
        connectAuthEmulator(auth, 'http://localhost:9099');

And in __layout.svelte:

    import Auth from "$lib/Auth.svelte";

<Auth />

Will this do it?

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