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search multiple field as regexp query in elasticsearch

I am trying to search by different fields such as title and description. When i type keywords, elasticseach must found something if description or title includes that i typed keywords. This is my goal. How can i reach my goal?

You can see the sample code that i used for one field.

  query: {
          regexp: {
            title: `.*${q}.*`,

I also tried below one but it gave syntax error.

  query: {
          regexp: {
            title: `.*${q}.*`,
          regexp: {
            description: `.*${q}.*`,

To do so, you need to use a bool query.

GET /<you index>/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "regexp": {
            "title": ".*${q}.*"
          "regexp": {
            "description": ".*${q}.*"

You can find the documentation => [doc]

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