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React: setState for primitive value doesn't work with ===

I have a variable that stores the index of a selected item. I used a conditional expression based on that variable to add/remove a class name so said item is rendered in a distinguishing way. I boiled down the problem to this snippet:

function App() {
  const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = setState(-1);


  return (
    {selectedItem !== 0 && <p>no item selected</p>}
    {selectedItem === 0 && <p>item {selectedItem} selected</p>}

This snippet always displays that no item is selected.

The hook is called useState , not setState .

Calling setSelectedItem inside the render function will trigger an infinite loop. You need to move it to an effect hook so it only runs one.

export default function App() {
  const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState(-1);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
    {selectedItem !== 0 && <p>no item selected</p>}
    {selectedItem === 0 && <p>item {selectedItem} selected</p>}

What is setState ? Do you mean useState ? And also, you shouldn't update the state like this, you should do it in a useEffect , and use an empty array as dependency, so it will run only once, when your component is being mounted:

useEffect(() => {

Then it is working like a charm

Replace === and !== with == and != , respectively, and voila, it works. Alas, a warning is reported that one shall use === instead.

selectedItem is an array, apparently primitives make bad references. Still, it is bizarre to some extent that inside <p> the variable is unboxed automatically, while for evaluating === it isn't and thus an array is compared to a primitive, which is not true, no matter the values. == compares every shit in JS that you feed it with, so here it works.

Hope, this saves somebody 2 hours of debugging.

If somebody has a correct workaround for this, please share below.

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