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How to convert generic type array to specialized type array in typescript

I'm using firebase in my application. So, the snapshotChanges() method of firebase returning an Observable of type SnapshotAction array which I want to convert to specific type array after subscribing to an Observable. So, how can we do this in typescript?

Have a look at codebase below to understand it better,

 // Below observable is returned by firebase snapshotChanges() method Observable<SnapshotAction<Product>[]> // Now, after I subscribe to the above observable I get below type, SnapshotAction<Product>[] // Now I want to convert "SnapshotAction<Product>[]" to "Product[]" in typescript

Snapshot action has a payload field which will give you a


A DatabaseSnapshot has a val() method which will return a Product or null depending if the snapshot exists. So you can write a small function like this to extract the product:

function example(input: SnapshotAction<string>[]): (string | null)[] {
    return input.map(action => action.payload.val())

Note that this is return string | null because the snapshot might not exist. You could look at


If you want to do additional checks or filtering.

 products: Product[] = []; this.productService.getAll().pipe( switchMap((products: SnapshotAction<Product>[]) => { // Our intention starts here products.map(product => { let prod: Product = product.payload.val(); prod.key = product.key; this.products.push(prod); }); }); );

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