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Linkerd - no controller pods after upgrade ( helm upgrade )

Today I upgraded linkerd from 2.10 to 2.11, but after the upgrade it looks like my controller pod is no longer there,

I upgraded with

helm upgrade --namespace v3-mainapp linkerd2 linkerd/linkerd2 --atomic

and it gave me

Release "linkerd2" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: linkerd2
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Dec 30 07:42:15 2021
NAMESPACE: v3-mainapp
STATUS: deployed
The Linkerd control plane was successfully installed 🎉

To help you manage your Linkerd service mesh you can install the Linkerd CLI by running:

  curl -sL https://run.linkerd.io/install | sh

Alternatively, you can download the CLI directly via the Linkerd releases page:


To make sure everything works as expected, run the following:

  linkerd check

Linkerd Viz extension can be installed by running:

  linkerd viz install | kubectl apply -f -

But when I run linkerd check it gives me an error about No running pods for "controller" and kubectl get po --all-namespaces --selector linkerd.io/control-plane-component=controller returns no resources

I have attempted to re-do the upgrade, but same results

Nevermind, I figured it out, It looks like my linkerd cli was out of date, and they changed how the checks where, I ran

curl -sL https://run.linkerd.io/install | sh

again and now the control plane is passing

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