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How to add a script tag in nextjs with dangerouslysetinnerhtml?

I am trying to add.roll to my nextjs app. I used the script tag with dangerouslysetinnerhtml but it's not able to verify. What am I missing here?

This is the code


adroll_adv_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
    adroll_pix_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
    adroll_version = "2.0";

    (function(w, d, e, o, a) {
        w.__adroll_loaded = true;
        w.adroll = w.adroll || [];
        w.adroll.f = [ 'setProperties', 'identify', 'track' ];
        var roundtripUrl = "https://s.adroll.com/j/" + adroll_adv_id
                + "/roundtrip.js";
        for (a = 0; a < w.adroll.f.length; a++) {
            w.adroll[w.adroll.f[a]] = w.adroll[w.adroll.f[a]] || (function(n) {
                return function() {
                    w.adroll.push([ n, arguments ])

        e = d.createElement('script');
        o = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        e.async = 1;
        e.src = roundtripUrl;
        o.parentNode.insertBefore(e, o);
    })(window, document);


Try this code it's works for me

import Script from 'next/script'
function MyApp() {
  return (
      <Script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
        __html: `Your script`}}></script>

export default MyApp;

You can try this, it may works for you.

            __html: `
                adroll_adv_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
                adroll_pix_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
                adroll_version = "2.0";
                (function(w, d, e, o, a) {
                    w.__adroll_loaded = true;
                    w.adroll = w.adroll || [];
                    w.adroll.f = [ 'setProperties', 'identify', 'track' ];
                    var roundtripUrl = "https://s.adroll.com/j/" + adroll_adv_id
                            + "/roundtrip.js";
                    for (a = 0; a < w.adroll.f.length; a++) {
                        w.adroll[w.adroll.f[a]] = w.adroll[w.adroll.f[a]] || (function(n) {
                            return function() {
                                w.adroll.push([ n, arguments ])
                    e = d.createElement('script');
                    o = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
                    e.async = 1;
                    e.src = roundtripUrl;
                    o.parentNode.insertBefore(e, o);
                })(window, document);

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