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azure data factory- capture copy activity error message in child pipeline from master pipeline

[i've updated my question with images, pls check and help me in fixing this issue]

  1. i have created data flow - to log error details. parameter -> errorMessage_Child

child dataflow

  1. created a pipeline to call above data flow (step 1), named as pl_ErrorLog. parameter -> errorMessage_Parent

pipeline calling dataflow

passing parameter value

  1. created another pipeline with a copy activity and called above pl_ErrorLog (step 2) pipeline (thru execute pipeline) during failure path for copy activity. parameter -> errorMessage_Parent value passed -> @activity('Copy data1').output.errors[0].message

parent pipeline

but my execute pipeline is getting failed with below error:- Job failed due to reason: The store configuration is not defined. This error is potentially caused by invalid parameter assignment in the pipeline.","Details":""

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