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React router changes url but not re-render

React Router change the URL but the component is not rendered I have already looked for answer but none of those example is worked Current React Router & React Router DOM version is 6. My MainComponent:

 import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Header from './HeaderComponent'; import Footer from './FooterComponent'; import { Routes, Route, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import Stafflist from './StaffComponent'; import {STAFFS} from '../shared/staffs'; import StaffDetail from './StaffDetailComponent'; class Main extends Component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state ={ staffs: STAFFS }; } render(){ const StaffWithId = ({match}) =>{ return( <StaffDetail staff={this.state.staffs.filter((staff) => staff.id === parseInt(match.params.staffId,10))}/> ) } return( <div> <Header/> <Routes> <Route exact path='/staff' element={<Stafflist staffs={this.state.staffs} />}/> <Route path='/staff/:staffId' element={StaffWithId}/> </Routes> <Footer/> </div> ); } } export default Main;

Your problem seems to be this line:
<Route path='/staff/:staffId' element={StaffWithId}/>

StaffWithId is a functional component and shoul be called with brackets < /> .
like this: <Route path='/staff/:staffId' element={<StaffWithId/>}/>

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