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How To Fix Firebase Realtime Database v9 push method

I have made a HTML file test.html , but after submitting it, it doesn't show any data. Am I doing something wrong, please assist me.

Am using Firebase Realtime Database v9


    <script type="module">
     import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';

  import { getDatabase } from "firebase/database";

  const firebaseConfig = {
   apiKey: "*",
   authDomain: "*.firebaseapp.com",
   databaseURL: "https://*.firebaseio.com",
   storageBucket: "*.appspot.com"

  const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

  const database = getDatabase(app);

  import { getDatabase, ref, push } from "firebase/database";

  function writeMessageData() {
      const db = getDatabase();
      set(ref(db, 'data/'), {
          name: document.getElementById("feildName").value,
          msg: document.getElementById("feildMessage").value
        <input type="text" id="feildName" placeholder="Name">
        <input type="text" id="feildMessage" placeholder="Message">
        <button id="btnSubmit" onclick="writeMessageData()">SEND</button>
</html> ```

make your function async

async function writeMessageData() {
await set(ref(db,'ThePath'),{
 name: document.getElementById("feildName").value,
 msg: document.getElementById("feildMessage").value
}).then((success) => {console.log(success)}).catch((err) => {console.log(err)})
  1. also check the database rules which you have set.
  2. try removing the slash. change the path from "data/" to "data"

mostly it should work good luck.

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