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Sum rows if header and first column meet criteria in Google Sheets

I have a table with first row as header and first column as week number, I need to sum all the data on every week that meets the criteria depending on the header name.

This formula only filter by header and week, but I can't summarize the data, I would like that the formula is "dynamic" because the header name section can change:


This is an example spreadsheet, at the end is the desired result: LINK TO EXAMPLE SHEET



=INDEX(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(IF(D2:24="",,D1:1&"×"&A2:A24&"×"&D2:24)), "×"), 
 "select Col1,sum(Col3) 
  where Col1 matches 'INDIRECTO|M.O.' 
  group by Col1 
  pivot Col2"))


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