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Unexpected supervisor processes limitation

I'm using Beanstalkd queues in Laravel, controlled by Supervisord.

  • Laravel v7.30.6
  • Beanstalkd v1.10
  • Supervisord v3.3.1
  • Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (125G RAM)
  • PHP 7.4

I have 19 tubes (queues) and around 1000 processes in total.

When I run supervisor in Systemd mode ( service supervisor start ) I face with some processes limitation. Supervisor runs only around 360 processes in total in some tubes, rest of tubes waits and doesn't run processes at all.

beanstalk console example

But when I run supervisor from command line from root ( /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf ) all processes in all tubes runs normally.

So, why I have limitations in Systemd mode?

PS: and of course I know about system ulimit, and I have increased limits for root and for user owned tubes processes.

ulimit -Hu: 655350

ulimit -Su: 655350

supervisord requires minfds parameter to increase open files limit for beanstalkd processes

make sure this is set

cat /etc/supervisord.conf

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