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Missing sodium extension - wampserver

I'm using wampserver 3.2.5, trying to install package need sodium extension i turned it and checked php.ini it not commented and then restarted all service Soduim extension

But i still have this issue

Missing following extensions: 'sodium'

How to fix this?

You probably checked the wrong php.ini there are 2 one for use with Apache and the other for use with the PHP CLI.

First, upgrade to WAMPServer 3.2.7 See The WAMPServer backup repo for that or go to SourceForge if you like. It is always good to keep up to date, the WAMPServer update will not effect the versions of APache/PHP/MySQL/mariaDB etc etc that you have currently got installed and configured

Now all you have to do to activate sodium within the Apache environment is use the wampmanager menus like this

  1. Left click the wampmanager icon in the system area


  1. check the sodium extension, if it does not have a green tick beside it, click the word sodium and that will cause the correct php.ini to be amended and Apache will be restarted automatically.

You should now have the sodium extension loaded.

You can check this by clicking localhost in the menu and then you check the loaded extensions to see if sodium is now listed.

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