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MQTT Publisher in Python

I am publishing some data from a bme280 sensor to a mosquitto broker. I want do this every 3 seconds.

The readings from sensor are always ok but the publish to mosquitto very often loose some message. I can check this with a external MQTT subscrive client.

Where is the error? Here my code,It was assembled from some examples so sorry for non very good code.... Thanks.


import smbus2
import bme280
from paho.mqtt import client as mqttClient
import random
import time

lst2 = [None] * 2
lst2[0] = 'Temperatura stanzino'
lst2[1] = 'Umidita stanzino'
parolatot2 = [None] * 2

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
        if rc == 0:
                global Connected
                Connected = True

Connected = False
broker_address= ""
port = 1883
user = "xxx"
password = "xxx"
topic = "python/mqtt/"
client = mqttClient.Client("Python")
client.username_pw_set(user, password=password) 
client.on_connect= on_connect 
client.connect(broker_address, port=port)      

while Connected != True:

def calcoloTotale():
        msg2_count = 0
        port = 1
        address = 0x76
        bus = smbus2.SMBus(port)
        calibration_params = bme280.load_calibration_params(bus, address)
        data = bme280.sample(bus, address, calibration_params)

        parolatot2[0] = round(data.temperature,1)
        parolatot2[1] = round(data.humidity,1)

        print (parolatot2)
        while msg2_count < 2:
                topicnew2 = topic + lst2[msg2_count]
                msg2 = f"{parolatot2[msg2_count]}"
                client.publish(topicnew2, msg2)
                msg2_count += 1

        while True:
        print ("errore")

The client.publish method never throws an error. If you want to make sure that the message has really been published (and/or understand why not), I would recommend the following:

message_info = client.publish(topic, message, qos=1)
message_info.wait_for_publish(timeout=2) # will throw error if message isn't published within timeout.


  • qos=1 : use at least qos 1 if you want to make sure your message got published at least once.
  • Make sure to use the paho-mqtt >= 1.6.1 to be able to use the wait_for_publish method.

Thanks my friend,i have changed approach to this.I'm using now "publish.single" istruction.So my code was reduced a lot. Now just a single shot to public and no more loose message. I have used this:

import paho.mqtt.publish as publish

publish.single(topicnew2, msg2, qos=1, retain=False, hostname="", auth={'username':" ", 'password':" "})

But now another issue,the qos is always 0 in the client.Some idea? Thanks

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