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GraphAPI returns BadGateway for Teams App Unistall call

We use the GraphAPI to unistall the Teams app for a user. It works for some tenant, for other - it doesn't.
DELETE https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/820b339e-5fbd-404e-a37f-fc0813689c83/teamwork/installedApps/ODIwYjMzOWUtNWZiZC00MDRlLWEzN2YtZmMwODEzNjg5YzgzIyMzMmQ1ODYxZi0xYmQxLTRjZDEtOTE5Yi1iZDdjNTA4MWIzNjY=

It returns the following error without any additionall details: Code: BadGateway
Message: Failed to execute backend request.
Inner error:
date: 2022-01-12T10:04:08
request-id: ffa520f4-b6ef-485d-811f-cc92e2e490a9
client-request-id: ffa520f4-b6ef-485d-811f-cc92e2e490a9
ClientRequestId: ffa520f4-b6ef-485d-811f-cc92e2e490a9

We use the Net SDK to GraphAPI to send the request. Looks everything is OK with request as it is successfully executed for some tenant, for other - it doesn't. All required permissions are granted in Azure AD app.

Is it possible to check more error details for request-id: ffa520f4-b6ef-485d-811f-cc92e2e490a9 on Microsoft side?

It seems you are trying to remove preInstalled app which is preInstalled by Admin. Below is the internal error:

ODataExceptionFilter is handling an exception. Exception type: AppIsTenantAdminPreinstalled. Exception details: Microsoft.SkypeSpaces.MiddleTier.Common.Exceptions.ProviderException: Trying to RemoveUserAppEntitlement for an App that is explicitly preinstalled by the tenant admin. at Microsoft.SkypeSpaces.MiddleTier.Provider.Apps.AppDefinitionItemExtensions.d__48.MoveNext() in D:\a_work\1\s\Source\Provider\Provider\Apps\ObjectExtensions\AppDefinitionItemExtensions.cs:line 1638

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