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Discord.JS Message in a specific Channel

So i'm new to the whole Discord.JS thing and i am trying to figure out how to get the bot to write a message to the General Chat when a new person joins.

I have seen a lot of people doing it like this:

const channel = client.channels.cache.find(channel => channel.name === channelName)

But this isnt working for me. Whenever i am trying to send a message with the channel.send(message) it gives me a error message.

I have also tried the version where you do it with the client.channels.cache.get(<Channel-ID>)

But this also didnt work for me.

Bro are you using discord.js v13 or 12 Tell that and if you are using v13 then

//If it is simple message
const channel = client.channels.cache.get('channel_id')
channel.send({ content: message })

//And if it is embed then
channel.send({ embeds: [message] })

// And if it is attachment
channel.send({ attachments: [message] })

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