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EnumChildWindows on another Desktop

I need to run a 3rd party application and not have it generate any visible windows. As such, I run it on a separate desktop by first calling CreateDesktop then passing the desktop name to CreateProcess as demonstrated here . That works fine, and the process runs happily on that other desktop.

Now I'd like to control it using my application. Normally I just use EnumWindows to get the top level windows, followed by EnumChildWindows to get individual components.

But since it's on another desktop, I use EnumDesktopWindows to get the top level windows. That works fine. But when I try to pass those handles to EnumChildWindows , I get nothing.

Is there a way to get child windows from a process that's running on another Desktop?

Worked it out. EnumChildWindows works fine even for windows running another Desktop.

I was accidently comparing a PID to a Window Handle in the callback.

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