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Convert multiple columns in pyspark dataframe into one dictionary

I have created a PySpark DataFrame like this one: '''

df = spark.createDataFrame([
    ('v', 3, 'a'),
    ('d', 2, 'b'),
    ('q', 9, 'c')],
    ["c1", "c2", "c3"]


c1  | c2 | c3
v   |  3 | a
d   |  2 | b
q   |  9 | c

I want to create a new column like this:

|           c4             |

I want c4 to be in type of MapType , not StringType Also, I want to keep the type of values as it is. (keep 3,2 and 9 as integers, not String)

Use struct + to_json like this if you want to get JSON strings:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

df1 = df.select(
        F.struct(*[F.col(c) for c in df.columns])

#|c4                        |


If you want a MapType column use create_map function:

from itertools import chain

df1 = df.select(
        *list(chain(*[[F.col(c), F.lit(c)] for c in df.columns]))

#|c4                         |
#|{v -> c1, 3 -> c2, a -> c3}|
#|{d -> c1, 2 -> c2, b -> c3}|
#|{q -> c1, 9 -> c2, c -> c3}|

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