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LaTex: Get figure caption to align with image

Thanks in advance for your help!

I know similar questions have been asked, but I cant get any of them to work. I am trying to get the caption to be the same width as the image I am captioning.

Here is the code: it results in all of the words falling in line after the Figure title (image attached to show what it currently looks like. 1


\usepackage{blindtext} % Package to generate dummy text throughout this template 

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\usepackage{microtype} % Slightly tweak font spacing for aesthetics

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\usepackage{booktabs} % Horizontal rules in tables

\usepackage{lettrine} % The lettrine is the first enlarged letter at the beginning of the text

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\usepackage{abstract} % Allows abstract customization
\renewcommand{\abstractnamefont}{\normalfont\bfseries} % Set the "Abstract" text to bold
\renewcommand{\abstracttextfont}{\normalfont\small\itshape} % Set the abstract itself to small italic text

\usepackage{titlesec} % Allows customization of titles
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\graphicspath{ {./images/} }

\setlength{\droptitle}{-4\baselineskip} % Move the title up

\pretitle{\begin{center}\Huge\bfseries} % Article title formatting


  \caption{Imaged tunnel slide of yeast. This image depicts how yeast cells were counted to determine sample concentrations. Small budding cells were not included in the total cell count. Note: 4× relay lens and 40× objective used. A ${1.75x10^6}$ mL volume is shown.}

  • Very important: never ignore error messages. If an error tells you that you mustn't use floatrow with the float package, don't ignore this error and remove one of the packages.

  • Then if you don't want the caption to have an hanging indent, remove the hang option from the caption package.

  • don't abuse the letter x as multiplication symbol. Use \times instead.

  • have a look at the siunitx package to get correct spacing and fonts for units

  • with 7.5cm your image is too wide for your column, a warning in the log file will tell you this. You can avoid this by using \linewidth .


\usepackage{blindtext} % Package to generate dummy text throughout this template 

\usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % Use the Palatino font
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use 8-bit encoding that has 256 glyphs
\linespread{1.05} % Line spacing - Palatino needs more space between lines
\usepackage{microtype} % Slightly tweak font spacing for aesthetics

\usepackage[english]{babel} % Language hyphenation and typographical rules

\usepackage[hmarginratio=1:1,top=32mm,columnsep=20pt]{geometry} % Document margins
\usepackage[small,labelfont=bf,up,textfont=it,up]{caption} % Custom captions under/above floats in tables or figures
\usepackage{booktabs} % Horizontal rules in tables

\usepackage{lettrine} % The lettrine is the first enlarged letter at the beginning of the text

\usepackage{enumitem} % Customized lists
\setlist[itemize]{noitemsep} % Make itemize lists more compact

\usepackage{abstract} % Allows abstract customization
\renewcommand{\abstractnamefont}{\normalfont\bfseries} % Set the "Abstract" text to bold
\renewcommand{\abstracttextfont}{\normalfont\small\itshape} % Set the abstract itself to small italic text

\usepackage{titlesec} % Allows customization of titles
\renewcommand\thesection{\Roman{section}} % Roman numerals for the sections
\renewcommand\thesubsection{\roman{subsection}} % roman numerals for subsections
\titleformat{\section}[block]{\large\scshape\centering}{\thesection.}{1em}{} % Change the look of the section titles
\titleformat{\subsection}[block]{\large}{\thesubsection.}{1em}{} % Change the look of the section titles

\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Headers and footers
\pagestyle{fancy} % All pages have headers and footers
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\fancyhead[C]{Test} % Custom header text
\fancyfoot[RO,LE]{\thepage} % Custom footer text

\usepackage{titling} % Customizing the title section

\usepackage{hyperref} % For hyperlinks in the PDF
\graphicspath{ {./images/} }

\setlength{\droptitle}{-4\baselineskip} % Move the title up

\pretitle{\begin{center}\Huge\bfseries} % Article title formatting


  \caption{Imaged tunnel slide of yeast. This image depicts how yeast cells were counted to determine sample concentrations. Small budding cells were not included in the total cell count. Note: 4× relay lens and 40× objective used. A ${1.75 \times 10^6}$ mL volume is shown.}


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