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Could not find react-redux context value; please ensure the component is wrapped in a <Provider> although component is wrapped in a provider

I have a React on Rails app and I am getting a failure to render due to could not find react-redux context value; please ensure the component is wrapped in a <Provider> could not find react-redux context value; please ensure the component is wrapped in a <Provider> .

Component (inner content and imports omitted for brevity):

const MyPage = ({ reduxData, payloads }) => {
  const store = useReduxStore(reduxData);
  const jads = new JsonApiDataStore();
  const users = jads.sync(payloads.users);
  //custom selector
  const pathName = useSelector(selectPathName);

  return (
    <Provider store={store}>
         {users.map((user) => (
             <li key={user.id} />

MyPage.propTypes = {
  reduxData: PropTypes.shape(ReduxData).isRequired,
  payloads: PropTypes.shape({
    users: PropTypes.shape(Payload).isRequired,

export default MyPage;

view(index.html.erb for this directory/controller)

<% content_for :title, "MyPage" %>

<% page = react_component_hash(
  props: {
    reduxData: redux_data,
    payloads: {
      users: serialize(
  prerender: true
) %>

<% content_for :page_styles, page["componentCss"] %>
<%= page["componentHtml"] %>

Controller Route:

  def index
    @users = User.all
    render layout: "react"

in my application controller:

  def redux_data
      data: {
        pathName: request.path
      currentUser: serialize(current_user, CurrentUserSerializer, include: %w[company])
  helper_method :redux_data

(This works on other pages with a similar setup).

What am I missing?

The issue was that I was trying to use a selector in the same component that provided the Provider / context, essentially before the context was provided. Instead, I needed to use selectors only in child components / within the main component that has the <Provider /> wrapper so that the selector has access to the context.

In my case:

child component:

const ChildComponent = () => {
  const pathName = useSelector(selectPathName);
  return (

export default ChildComponent;

parent component:

const MyPage = ({ reduxData, payloads }) => {
  const store = useReduxStore(reduxData);
  const jads = new JsonApiDataStore();
  const users = jads.sync(payloads.users);

  return (
    <Provider store={store}>
         {users.map((user) => (
             <li key={user.id} />
      <ChildComponent />

MyPage.propTypes = {
  reduxData: PropTypes.shape(ReduxData).isRequired,
  payloads: PropTypes.shape({
    users: PropTypes.shape(Payload).isRequired,

export default MyPage;

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