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How to save multiple images into one pickle file? and pickle file contain image data (pixel info) or just names of image files?

I have a "bird" folder which has 11345 bird images named as 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg......11344.jpg, 11345.jpg. I need to save these birds images as "filenames.pickle" to use it in furthur machine learning modules. Data should be arranged in this manner: dataset/train/filenames.pickle, dataset/test/filenames.pickle

I need to create one single pickle file filenames.pickle to get all 11345 bird images. I am very much confuse how should I add this images into pickle so that my code take pickle file but it reached to these images at the end to train the Machine learning Models.

from PIL import Image  
import pickle

I am just trying to convert one image into pickle to get an idea. 
if is succefully convert into pickle then I will read all the 
images inside the "bird" folder and convert all of them into one 
single pickle file

# converting an image into pickle 
img = Image.open('059.jpg')
with open('059.pickle', 'wb') as f:
   pickle.dump(img, f)

## read the pickle file
with open('059.pickle','rb') as f:
file = pickle.load(f)

# after reading 059.pickle file : 
<PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=500x375 at 0x2115BE59190>

# I dont want ( <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB 
 size=500x375 at 0x2115BE59190>) this result into pickle file. 
# I want pickle file to save result like this: ['59.jpg']. 

 ## to convert whole images inside bird folder
 ## input folder = bird\\images\\all_images_in_jpg_format
 image = "bird\\images\\"
 fout = open("bird\\filenames.pickle",'wb')

with open("bird\\filenames.pickle",'rb') as f:
file = pickle.load(f)
# output : bird\images\
## the above output is wrong

 becasue when I am done reading all the images and create one 
  pickle file as "filenames.pickle:, it should save images like 
 ['01.jpg','0342.jpg','06762.jpg', '06752.jpg', '05122.jpg', 
  '05144.jpg', '06635.jpg','06638.jpg', 
 and after reading this pickle file, somehow model will 
 automatcally read the images via pickle file.


I am not much familiar with pickle file and it's format. Can anyone please help me or give me some suggestions How should I tackle this problem and solve it? And how will the model read the images via pickle file? What does pickle file conains (image data and pixel information or just name of image files) so that Model can take pickle file and learn the images in training time?

It seems to me you want to store just the file names of the jpg files into a pickle file. Is that right? Here's what you can do:

import os
import pickle
from glob import glob

## to convert whole images inside bird folder
## input folder = bird\\images\\all_images_in_jpg_format

PICKLE_FILE = "bird\\filenames.pickle"
SOURCE_DIRECTORY = "bird\\images\\"

file_list = list(
        lambda x: os.path.basename(x), glob(os.path.join(SOURCE_DIRECTORY, "*.jpg"))


pickle.dump(file_list, open(PICKLE_FILE, 'wb'))

recovered_list = pickle.load(open(PICKLE_FILE,"rb"))

if file_list == recovered_list:
    print("Lists Match!")
    print("Lists Don't Match!!!")

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