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VSTO vb.net excel with conditional formatting

I am new to vb.net and VSTO and the documentation is not great for conditional formatting as I am modifying code from VBA to vb.net any ideas?

    With customerYearRng
        '.IconSetCondition.IconSet.IconSets = "xl3Triangles"
        '.FormatConditions.ReverseOrder = False
        '.FormatConditions.ShowIconOnly = False
        '.FormatConditions.IconSet.IconSets = "xl3Triangles"
        '.Type = xlConditionValueNumber
        '.Value = 0
        '.Operator = 7
        '.Type = xlConditionValueNumber
        '.Value = 0
        '.Operator = 5
    End With

I'm not a VB.NET or VSTO programmer, but the small amount of Excel automation I've done from .NET seemed a pretty straightforward translation from a working VBA implementation.

Your code can be easier to deal with if you take advantage of the fact that AddIconSetCondition returns the added condition, so you don't have to go looking for it in the range's FormatConditions collection.

Working VBA (which I think is close to what you're wanting to set up in VB.NET) -

Sub Tester()
    Dim rng As Range, isc As IconSetCondition
    Set rng = Selection 'or whatever
    Set isc = rng.FormatConditions.AddIconSetCondition()
    isc.IconSet = rng.Parent.Parent.IconSets(xl3Triangles)
    isc.ReverseOrder = False
    isc.ShowIconOnly = False
    With isc.IconCriteria(2)
        .Type = xlConditionValueNumber
        .Value = 0
        .Operator = 7
    End With
    With isc.IconCriteria(3)
        .Type = xlConditionValueNumber
        .Value = 0
        .Operator = 5
    End With
End Sub

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