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Vue 2 with Quasar

I am starting new project with Vue 2 and Quasar. I am doing this npm install -g @quasar/cli , then quasar create app-name . Quasar creates an application, but when I open some components,there is setup(){ } function. As I know it is a composition API feature and only in Vue 3. My vue-cli version is 4.5.15. How can I install Quasar, and start with Vue 2?

You can use an older Quasar version, try using the package @quasar/cli@1.2.2

you can use:

quasar create <folder_name> --branch v1

vue2 does now support the composition api (script setup), although it wouldn't have at the time the OP asked the question https://blog.vuejs.org/posts/vue-2-7-naruto.html

The latest quasar v1 also supports this too

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