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table with sticky header and horizontal scroll

I want a table with sticky header and horizontal scroll.

I dont want a vertical scroll inside the table. It should scroll with the page. So no set height of the table. Is this even possible?

Here is codepen of not working example: https://codepen.io/fwitkowski/pen/zYEQvvg

When I remove overflow: auto from table-container, position sticky works just fine.

.table-container {
  overflow-x:auto; /* for horizontal scroll */
  position: relative; /* relative to the normal flow */
  border: solid 5px red /* for reference */

As per the MDN documentation :

a sticky element "sticks" to its nearest ancestor that has a "scrolling mechanism" (created when overflow is hidden , scroll , auto , or overlay ), even if that ancestor isn't the nearest actually scrolling ancestor.

There's an active GitHub issue discussing this on the W3C repo , which has been running since 2017. There have been various workarounds suggested, but they all seem to rely on adding a fixed height to the table / table container, or using Javascript as in this answer .

At least for the moment, this is not something that's supported natively.

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