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Adding a chart as an attachment or part of the body in an email via excel vba

So im working on this project where i want to attach the specific chart in the email when the user clicks on a button. Im using vba tools to code this, but for some reason the code isn't adding the chart, the naming is correct and i am not receiving any errors (Except ones ive implemented to help test).

 If ChartNameLine = "" Then
            GoTo ErrorMsgs
            Dim xOutApp As Object
            Dim xOutMail As Object
            Dim xChartName As String
            Dim xPath As String
            Dim xChart As ChartObject
            Dim xChartPath As String
            On Error Resume Next
            xChartName = Application.InputBox("Please Enter the Chart name: ", "KuTools for Excel", , , , , , 2)
            'xChartName = ChartNameLine
            Set xChart = Worksheets(.HTMLBody).ChartObjects(xChartName)
            errorCode = 101
            'If xChart Is Nothing Then GoTo ErrorMsgs
            xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
            Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
            xChartPath = ThisWorkbook.path & "\" & Environ("USERNAME") & VBA.Format(VBA.Now(), "DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_SS") & ".bmp"
            xPath = "<p align='Left'><img src= " / "cid:" & Mid(xChartPath, InStrRev(xChartPath, "\") + 1) & """ width = 800 height = 500> <br> <br>"
            xChart.Chart.Export xChartPath
            With xOutMail
                .To = ToLine
                .Subject = SubjectLine
                .Attachments.Add xChartPath
                .HTMLBody = xPath
            End With
            Kill xChartPath
            'Set xOutMail = Nothing
            'Set xOutApp = Nothing
        End If

Using code from "Extend Office"

If someone could help with what im doing wrong that'd be great.

First of all, the HTMLBody property returns or sets a string representing the HTML body of the specified item. If you need to add an image generated in Excel you most probably need to insert it at some point in the message, not substitute the whole message by setting it to the paragraph HTML tag. So, find a suitable place in the HTML document and insert the generated HTML piece there instead of replacing the whole message body.

Second, make sure a correct image is generated and saved to the disk. And there were no problems with image generation process from the Excel side.

Third, you may need to set the PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID property on the attached image so Outlook could easily recognize the embedded image.

Create a chart in a new workbook with a sheet named "test". The chart should be named "Chart 1".

With no other code in the new workbook.

Option Explicit ' Consider this mandatory
' Tools | Options | Editor tab
' Require Variable Declaration
' If desperate declare as Variant

Sub AddWorksheetTestChartToMail()
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutMail As Object
    Dim xChartName As String
    Dim xPath As String
    Dim xChart As ChartObject
    Dim xChartPath As String
    xChartName = "Chart 1"
    ' "test", not .HTMLBody
    Set xChart = Worksheets("test").ChartObjects(xChartName)
    ' Set was missing
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
    xChartPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Environ("USERNAME") & VBA.Format(VBA.Now(), "DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_SS") & ".bmp"
    Debug.Print xChartPath
    ' suggested fix in comment on the question post - src=""cid:"
    xPath = "<p align='Left'><img src=""cid:" & Mid(xChartPath, InStrRev(xChartPath, "\") + 1) & """  width=700 height=500 > <br> <br>"
    xChart.Chart.Export xChartPath
    With xOutMail
        .To = "ToLine"
        .Subject = "SubjectLine"
        .Attachments.Add xChartPath
        .HTMLBody = xPath
    End With
    Kill xChartPath

End Sub

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