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Load local image with Jetpack compose

I'm using Jetpack Compose in an Android app. I need to load images and I use:

    modifier = centerHorizontal
            width = AppSize.line,
            color = Color.White,
            shape = AppCircleShape()
    painter = rememberImagePainter(
        data = profile.image,
        builder = {
    contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.profile_image)

It works fine. Now I need to load local images that I have downloaded using the DownloadManager. The download manager is set up to download the images in the Download folder. They end being in the folder /storage/emulated/0/Download . I verified that the images are there.

The problem is that I don't know how to show them. Do I have to run a local web server to expose them?

I tried to use "file://${user.profile}" , that works on Chrome, but it doesn't work.

If you have a file path, try to transfer the file,please try

val path = ...
      contentDescription = ""

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