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"TypeError: x.pubkey.toBase58 is not a function" in phantom wallet...transfer sol to another account in JavaScript with@solana/web3.js

let transaction = new solanalib.Transaction().add( solanalib.SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: publicKey, toPubkey: 'GJ7bZskjGFqph51T88W2E1A1TeT1YVuuFM8atQAtVhSz', lamports: solanalib.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }), ); transaction.feePayer = publicKey; let blockhashObj = await connection.getRecentBlockhash(); transaction.recentBlockhash = await blockhashObj.blockhash; if (transaction) { console.log('Txn created successfully'); } else { console.log('Sorry'); } const signedTransaction = await window.solana.signTransaction(transaction); const signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction.serialize()); console.log('Signature: ', signature);

I've just managed to solve this issue. The problem is that you are passing a string as the toPubKey - should be a PublicKey instance. Try this:

let transaction = new solanalib.Transaction().add(
    fromPubkey: publicKey,
    toPubkey: new solanalib.PublicKey('GJ7bZskjGFqph51T88W2E1A1TeT1YVuuFM8atQAtVhSz'),
    lamports: solanalib.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,

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