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Cannot get presence informations even thought developer portal switches are enabled discord.js

I have my code here:

// ...
    run: (client,message,args) =>{
        let member = message.member
        console.log(member.presence) // null
        if(!member.presence) return message.say(`${n} - I cannot access **${member.nickname || member.user.tag}**'s presence.`)
        if(!member.presence.activities[0]) return message.reply(`${n} - No activity detected from \`${member.user.tag} !\``)
        message.reply('Informations logged on the console.')

I keep having my bot sending this:


After having checked if other people got the same issue I only saw people who didn't activated the following check boxes:


The thing is I already did and no matter how many times I rerun my bot, member.presence keeps being null and I can't understand why.

Okay so I've been checking around a little more and I found out it's just because I didn't put GUILD_PRESENCES in my intents, silly me. So I just had to change

const client = new Discord.Client({
  intents : [


const client = new Discord.Client({
  intents : [

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