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URL Paramters carried between pages - how to stop tel: also?

I have this really basic script that changes all the links on my wordpress site to preserve the url param - I use it on wordpress landing pages for my business

    var queryString = new URL(window.location).search;
document.querySelectorAll("[href]").forEach(link => {
    var current = link.href;
    link.href = current + queryString;



All links on the page will carry over the parameter to whatever href link my visitor clicks



However this is obviously changing all my href links, and is changing my tel: links with it.

Is there a way I can make it only change https://?

My tel: links look like this

tel:0293 12329?location=Australia

I have had this code copied and pasted for ages, I know absolutely nothing about javascript and no idea where I found the above code, I've just used it for ages and it works as a quick and easy way for me to track a users progress through my landing pages.

Perhaps you could only do this if tel: is not in the href?

var queryString = new URL(window.location).search;
document.querySelectorAll("[href]").forEach(link => {
  var current = link.href;
  if (!current.includes("tel:")) {
    link.href = current + queryString;

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