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why the createRef current always null in react

I am developing a simple edit app page, because the form.item initial value did not update by data, so I want to setFieldsValue in the antd 4.x, this is my code looks like:

import React from 'react'
import { Modal, Input, Form } from 'antd'

export default function EditApp(props) {
    const { visible, rowData: data = {}, onVisibleChange, onEdit, dispatch } = props

    const [form] = Form.useForm()
    let formRef = React.createRef()
            remark: data?data.remark:''

    function onConfirm() {
            .then(values => {
                let localValues = {
                    appId: data.app_id
            .catch(info => {
                console.log('Validate Failed:', info)

    function onCancel() {

    return (
            <Modal title='Edit App' visible={visible} onOk={onConfirm} onCancel={onCancel}>
                <Form form={form} ref={formRef}>
                        <Input placeholder='Please input remark' />

To my surprise, the formRef.current is always null. Am I missing something? what should I do to make the Form.Item value update by data which passed from other component?

CreateRef work only with class components, you can use the hooks useRef if your react versions support it

 import React, {useRef} from 'react' import { Modal, Input, Form } from 'antd' export default function EditApp(props) { const { visible, rowData: data = {}, onVisibleChange, onEdit, dispatch } = props const [form] = Form.useForm() const formRef = useRef(); if(formRef.current){ formRef.current.setFieldsValue({ remark: data?data.remark:'' }) } function onConfirm() { form.validateFields().then(values => { let localValues = {...values, appId: data.app_id } onEdit(localValues) }).catch(info => { console.log('Validate Failed:', info) }) } function onCancel() { onVisibleChange() } return ( <> <Modal title='Edit App' visible={visible} onOk={onConfirm} onCancel={onCancel}> <Form form={form} ref={formRef}> <Form.Item label='remark' name='remark' value={data?data.remark:''} > <Input placeholder='Please input remark' /> </Form.Item> </Form> </Modal> </> ) }

this could fix it too:

React.useEffect(() => {

when using useEffect, ref code should be removed.

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