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Removing Unwanted Data in Juypter Notebook

i was trying to plot a graph and after adding in the code to adjust the x axis label. There are tons of data shown despite me not calling up for them. Is there any way I can either improve my code to remove these set of data? (To be more specific: the whole column that appears as "None")

Codes as below:

q3 = c.execute('''
SELECT Month AS Month, 
   Year AS Year, 
   COUNT(*) AS TotalFlights,
   Dest AS Destination
FROM ontime
WHERE ontime.Cancelled = 0 AND
  Destination = 'ABE' OR Destination = 'CSG' OR Destination = 'HLN' OR Destination = 'LAW' 
GROUP BY Dest, Month, Year
ORDER BY Dest ASC, Year ASC, Month ASC
q3 = pd.DataFrame (q3, columns = 


Combining Month and Year:
q3["Month"] = q3["Month"].astype(str)
q3["Year"] = q3["Year"].astype(str)
q3['Month_Year'] = q3["Month"] + '/' + q3["Year"]

Plotting of Graph:
>>> g = sns.FacetGrid(data=q3, col="Destination", col_wrap=2, height=6)
>>> g = g.map(plt.plot, "Month_Year", "TotalFlights", marker=".")
>>> [plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45) for ax in g.axes.flat]

Screenshot below: 在此处输入图像描述


[plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45) for ax in g.axes.flat]


dummy=[plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45) for ax in g.axes.flat]

In Jupyter or in python prompt. The first one will display the list. So the output that you see. I added the variable dummy to disable this behavior. Since the variable is not useful it can be have any name.

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