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What is the meaning of the different cost datasets in AWS Cost Explorer?

I went through multiple docs but was not able to figure out the appropriate meaning of the AWS Cost Explorer cost datasets:

  1. Unblended cost
  2. Blended Cost
  3. Amortized cost

The docs contain complex definitions that are very difficult to understand. I was seeking When to use these datasets and what are their use-cases in AWS Cost Explorer.

Blended costs : uses an average price for each service, regardless of price differences between Reservations or segments. Very good examples here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/con-bill-blended-rates.html

Unblended costs : usage cost on the day it is charged to you. This is the one almost everyone uses. The link above can be also helpful to understand it.

Amortized costs : recurring costs (such as Reservations, Saving Plans and any upfront costs) are distributed evenly across the month. Useful when making charts and so on.

Very good link explaining this : https://aws.amazon.com/es/blogs/aws-cloud-financial-management/understanding-your-aws-cost-datasets-a-cheat-sheet/

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