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Unable to write a basic TypeTestCase unit test for a Symfony form

I want to test that I convert form data correctly, and so I wrote a unit test based on how the Symfony 3.4 docs instruct me to . It is even marked as the basics, so I did not expect any issues, but I do!

When running the following test I get ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::__construct(), 0 passed in /Users/.../vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/FormRegistry.php on line 92 and exactly 1 expected . I see this is more or less what this guy got, but I could not make sense of it.


namespace Tests\MyProject\BackendBundle;

use MyProject\BackendBundle\Entity\ExerciseInfo;
use MyProject\BackendBundle\Form\ApiExerciseInfoType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Test\TypeTestCase;

class FormBuilderOfExerciseInfoTest extends TypeTestCase

    public function test_something()
        $requestEntry = array(
            'score_cols' =>
                    0 => 'REPS',
                    1 => 'PAUSE',
                    2 => 'KG_WEIGHTS',
            'id' => 'C4F1D2A3-762D-4548-B0E3-C0B3912FC02C',
            'score_vals' =>
                    0 =>
                            'type' => 'REPS',
                            'value' =>
                                    0 => 12,
                                    1 => 12,
                                    2 => 12,
                    1 =>
                            'type' => 'PAUSE',
                            'value' =>
                                    0 => 10,
                                    1 => 10,
                                    2 => 10,
                    2 =>
                            'type' => 'KG_WEIGHTS',
                            'value' =>
                                    0 => 0,
                                    1 => 0,
                                    2 => 0,
            'score_count' => 3,
            'exercise_id' => 'b9c90921-a594-4c2c-b9df-071357fd5247',
            'notes_sets' =>
                    0 => '',
                    1 => '',
                    2 => '',
            'result_vals' =>
            'exercise_notes' => '',
            'score_type' => 'REPS',

        $model = new ExerciseInfo();
        $form = $this->factory->create(ApiExerciseInfoType::class, $model);

         * @var $data ExerciseInfo
        $data = $form->getData();
        $exerciseSuperSet = $data->getScoreCols();

I will list up what I actually did, which is turn this into a kind of integration test, using the container, by extending KernelTestCase instead of TypeTestCase and asking the container for the form factory. Hopefully there is a better way.

class FormBuilderOfExerciseInfoTest extends KernelTestCase

    public function test_something()
        $kernel = self::bootKernel();

         * @var $container ContainerInterface
        $container = $kernel->getContainer();

        $requestEntry = array(
            'score_cols' =>
                    0 => 'REPS',
                    1 => 'PAUSE',
                    2 => 'KG_WEIGHTS',

        $model = new ExerciseInfo();
        $formFactory = $container->get("form.factory");
        $form = $formFactory->create(ApiExerciseInfoType::class, $model);

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