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Captcha Problem C# Selenium and CaptchaSharp Package

I am having a problem with C# Selenium and CaptchaSharp Package.

The problem is the package use its own httpclient instead i want it to use the Chrome Web Driver as i am using it in Selenium. What i mean is i want it to solve the captcha and return the answer on the Chrome driver i am using.

How can i change the CaptchaSharp Package so it would use Chrome Web Driver as default? Here is my sample code which doesn't work. (The solution returns the captcha answer btw)

        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        CaptchaService service = new  TwoCaptchaService("Api Key");
        decimal balance = await service.GetBalanceAsync();
        StringResponse solution = await service.SolveRecaptchaV2Async("6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-", "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo", false, null, default);
        Console.WriteLine($"The solution is {solution.Response}");

Take the solution and type it in the browser via Selenium.

Let's assume that this is the Captch input field:


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