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How to get list of supported argument in V (command line)

I have installed v using the official doc on my Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

The installation was successful as I can check the version:

$ v version
V 0.2.4 310969a

When I tried to see the supported args using help arg, it is resulting in an error.

$ v help
`v help`: unknown help topic provided. Use `v help` for usage information.
Known help topics:

I tried v help, v --help, v -help, v --h, v -h but all resulted in an error.


The more safe way to install v compiler it uses the following command

git clone https://github.com/vlang/v.git
cd v
make install

This will use the C compiler to build v and also symlink it without that you know nothing.

After that you can use both v --help and v help

I'd suggest you just keep checking the documentation. There's some hello world program you can try there. I also saw it mentions, symlink.

( It is recommended to add this folder to the PATH of your environment variables. This can be done with the command v.exe symlink )

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