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How to write a simple if-statement for indexes 0 and 10, 1 and 11, 2 and 12 etc

I need to write a condition for the index. First condition do a function for indexes 0, 10, 20, 30 Second condition do a function for index 1, 11, 21, 31 Third condition do a function for index 2, 12, 22, 32 (..)

Actually I have look like:

@if ($loop->index == 0 || $loop->index == 10 || $loop->index == 20 || $loop->index == 30 || $loop->index == 40 || $loop->index == 50 || $loop->index == 60 || $loop->index == 70 || $loop->index == 80 || $loop->index == 90) 
     //do something
@elseif ($loop->index == 4 || $loop->index == 14 || $loop->index == 24 || $loop->index == 34 || $loop->index == 44 || $loop->index == 54 || $loop->index == 64 || $loop->index == 74 || $loop->index == 84 || $loop->index == 94) 


     // do something

@elseif ($loop->index == 9 || $loop->index == 19 || $loop->index == 29 || $loop->index == 39 || $loop->index == 49 || $loop->index == 59 || $loop->index == 69 || $loop->index == 79 || $loop->index == 89 || $loop->index == 99) 

    // do something


I know it doesn't look good, it works for me now, but I need advice because I have no idea how to write it a bit simpler.

All the best, Thanks.

You can use the modulo operator % to get the remainder when dividing.

@switch($loop->index % 10)
    // 10,20,30 case...

    // Second case...

    // otherwise

You can use switch, but you can use your @if/@elseif as well.

For the first if use

if ($loop->index % 10 == 0)

for the second if use

if (($loop->index-4) % 10 == 0)

and for the last one use

if (($loop->index-9) % 10 == 0)

you can save the modulus result to a variable first $index = $loop->index % 10;

@if ($index == 0) 
      //do something
@elseif ($index == 4) 

     // do something

@elseif ($index == 9) 

    // do something


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