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TypeScript return conditional type from factory function

I have a union type of objects that can under certain conditions be assigned a special behavior. This behavior depends on the type of object. Some of the objects are more special than others and can have more or different functions.

I want to create a factory function that takes an instance of one item of this union type and returns the right behavior class for this instance. It would look like this:

type A = {
  type: "A"
  name: string,
type B = {
  type: "B",
  name: string,
  age: number

type Things = A | B

type Base<T extends Things> = {
  f1(): string

type Special<T extends Things> = T extends B ? { f2(): number } : {}

type Behavior<T extends Things> = Base<T> & Special<T>

class BehaviorClassA implements Behavior<A> {
  constructor(private readonly instance: A) { }
  f1(): string {
    return "some A behavior for " + this.instance.name

class BehaviorClassB implements Behavior<B> {
  constructor(private readonly instance: B) { }
  f1(): string {
    return "some B behavior for " + this.instance.name
  f2(): number {
    return this.instance.age + 42

function getBehaviorForThing<T extends Things>(thing: T): T extends B ? BehaviorClassB : BehaviorClassA {
  if (isA(thing)) {
    return new BehaviorClassA(thing) // Type 'BehaviorClassA' is not assignable to type 'T extends B ? BehaviorClassB : BehaviorClassA'.

  if (isB(thing)) {
    return new BehaviorClassB(thing) // Type 'BehaviorClassB' is not assignable to type 'T extends B ? BehaviorClassB : BehaviorClassA'.
  throw new Error("invalid thing")

function isA(t: Things): t is A {
  return t.type === "A"
function isB(t: Things): t is B {
  return t.type === "B"

// consumer:
const myB: B = { 
  type: "B",
  name: "John",
  age: 23

However as you can see the factory function can not be typed correctly.

Does anyone have an idea what I would have to do to get it work as intended?

Function overload is a correct option, but you can do the followinf as well which is a "kind of" type guard:

type ReturnType<T> = T extends B? BehaviorClassB : BehaviorClassA
  function getBehaviorForThing<T extends Things>(thing: T): ReturnType<T> {
    if (isA(thing)) {
        const resu: BehaviorClassA = new BehaviorClassA(thing) 
      return resu  as ReturnType<T>
    if (isB(thing)) {
      return new BehaviorClassB(thing) as ReturnType<T> 
    throw new Error("invalid thing")

 // consumer:
  const myB: B = { 
    type: "B",
    name: "John",
    age: 23
  getBehaviorForThing(myB).f2() <-- is type BehaviorClassB

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