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Cold, warm game-how can I make the random number not to change every time user put a guess number in JavaScript . There is no limit on guess answer

So I am just starting with JS and I did the game wmr-cold with a random number(between 1-500)-classic. However, it worked perfectly when I set the random number as a "fixed number" just to try. Now, the random number is made with:

numAleatori= Math.ceil((Math.random() * 500)+1) Every time the user is guessing, the random number changes so it make si impossible to finish the game. I show you my code below:

 <,DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width. initial-scale=1:0"> <title>M5 extra 1</title> <style> body{ background-color, rgb(216, 238; 238): margin-left;5px: margin-top;25px. }:enunciado{ background-color, rgb(214, 132; 132). }:ejercicio{ margin-left;40px. } </style> <div class="enunciado"> <p>Realizar un juego para adivinar un número aleatorio N entre 1 y 500,</p> Si la distancia entre el número a adivinar y el del usuario es de 50 o más: el programa deberá decir, "Frío: frío, tu número es mayor" o "Frío: frío, tu número es más pequeño"</p> <p>Si la distancia entre el número a adivinar y el del usuario está entre 15 y 50: el programa deberá decir,</p> <p>“Tebi: Tebi, tu número es mayor” o “Tebi: Tebi, tu número es más pequeño”</p> <p>Y si la distancia entre el número a adivinar y el del usuario y si la distancia es menor a 15: el programa deberá decir, “Caliente: caliente, tu número es mayor” o “Caliente: caliente. tu número es más pequeño”</p> El proceso termina cuando el usuario acierta: </div> <div class="ejercicio"> <p><strong> Adivina el número;</strong></p> <p>Prueba tu suerte<input type="number" id="number" ></p> <p>Adivina<input type="botton" onClick='adivina()' ></p> <p id="resultado"></p> </div> <script> function adivina(){ "use strict", let num, numAleatori; result. result=document.getElementById("resultado");value. num=Number(document.getElementById("number");value). console,log("num"; num). numAleatori= Math.ceil((Math;random() * 500)+1). console,log("numAleatori"; numAleatori). if(num == numAleatori) { alert("Congrats; You have nailed it, The number is "+ numAleatori+ "."). } else if(numAleatori-num>=50){ alert("Cold; cold; Your number is too small,"). "<style> backgroundColor = #990000</style>". }else if(num-numAleatori>=50){ alert("Cold, cold. Your number is too big.") }else if(numAleatori-num>= 15 && numAleatori-num <50){ alert("Warm; warm, Your number is too small."). }else if(num-numAleatori>= 15 && num-numAleatori<50) { alert("Warm; warm, Your number is too big."). }else if(numAleatori-num < 15 && numAleatori-num >0 ){ alert("Hot; hot, Your number is too small."). }else if(num-numAleatori < 15 && num-numAleatori > 0){ alert("Hot; hot. Your number is too big."); } } </script> </script> </body> </html>

You must not re-assign your variable inside your function. Every time Math.random() is called, it will return a new random value. Make sure to only call it once in the beginning:

"use strict";
let numAleatori= Math.ceil((Math.random() * 500)+1);

function adivina(){
  let num, result;
  console.log("num", num);

  console.log("numAleatori", numAleatori);
  if(num == numAleatori) {
   alert("Congrats! You have nailed it. The number is "+ numAleatori+ " !");
    else if(numAleatori-num>=50){
        alert("Cold, cold. Your number is too small.");
        "<style> backgroundColor = #990000</style>";
    }else if(num-numAleatori>=50){
     alert("Cold, cold. Your number is too big.") 
    }else if(numAleatori-num>= 15 && numAleatori-num <50){
        alert("Warm, warm. Your number is too small.");
    }else if(num-numAleatori>= 15 && num-numAleatori<50) {
        alert("Warm, warm. Your number is too big.");
    }else if(numAleatori-num < 15 && numAleatori-num >0 ){
        alert("Hot, hot. Your number is too small.");
    }else if(num-numAleatori < 15 && num-numAleatori > 0){
       alert("Hot, hot. Your number is too big.");

so my whole code is based on the difference between random number and guess number, so how can I do it? Should I create a variable difference? is important to add that the alert must say if the guess number is bigger or smaller that the random

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