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creating a folder inside existing folder in google drive using Javascript

I am creating an application using asp.net mvc<\/code> and javascript<\/code> in which I want to create folders inside my existing google drive folder.

function createFolder() {
    var body = {
        'title': document.getElementById('txtFolderName').value,
        'mimeType': "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"

    var request = gapi.client.drive.files.insert({
        'resource': body

    request.execute(function (resp) {
        console.log('Folder ID: ' + resp.id);

I thought that in your script, https:\/\/docs.googleapis.com\/$discovery\/rest?version=v1<\/code> of gapi.client.load("https:\/\/docs.googleapis.com\/$discovery\/rest?version=v1")<\/code> is used for Google Docs API v1. I think that the reason for your error message of Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'files')<\/code> is due to this.

In this case, please use Drive API. But, when I saw your current script for creating the folder, Drive API v2 is used. So, please modify as follows.

 return gapi.client.load("https:\/\/www.googleapis.com\/discovery\/v1\/apis\/drive\/v2\/rest")<\/code><\/pre>
  • By this modification, I thought that your createFolder()<\/code> works. But in your current createFolder()<\/code> , the folder is created to the root folder. When you want to create the folder into a specific folder, please modify the request body as follows.


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