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Pass value using pipe symbol to a powershell Start-Process command, from cmd window

I have a batch script like below. I want to call this script from a terminal window (cmd)<\/code> , by running it using powershell<\/code> Start-Process<\/code> command (Doing this in Azure ARM Template)<\/em> . I want to pass the INPUT<\/code> value while calling the script, probably by using a pipe symbol.

Am I missing something? How can I achieve this (without any modifications to this batch file)<\/em> ?

@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

set INPUT=
set /P INPUT=Type yes or no: %=%

echo actually typed %INPUT%

IF "%INPUT%"=="n" goto :CLICKEDNO
IF "%INPUT%"=="no" goto :CLICKEDNO
IF "%INPUT%"=="No" goto :CLICKEDNO
IF "%INPUT%"=="yes" goto :CLICKEDYES
IF "%INPUT%"=="Yes" goto :CLICKEDYES
IF "%INPUT%"=="y" goto :CLICKEDYES

echo Typed yes
goto :eof

echo Typed no
goto :eof

echo end of file

You do not need to do a match for each case. use if \/i<\/code> to match case insensitive, we also need to use %1<\/code> to specify :

@echo off

echo Type Yes/no & set /P "in=%1"

if /i "%in%" == "n" goto :no
if /i "%in%" == "no" goto :no
if /i "%in%" == "y" goto :yes
if /i "%in%" == "yes" goto :yes

echo Typed yes
goto :eof

echo Typed no
goto :eof

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