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Passing Laravel route to vue component's Href or router-link

I'm creating a dropdown component with Vue 3 and importing it inside my Laravel 8 project. The dropdown works perfectly and looping over the categories in database as expected.

The issue is that i want when i click on a category it routes me to '/categories/$category->slug' which is defined in Laravel routes already and works if i enter it manually. But i can't find a way to say $category->slug in vue component.

Here is the component: 下拉组件

I tried anchor tags and inside the href '/categories/{{category.slug}}' but it doesn't work. All i need is to have an anchor tag or router-link that directs me to '/categories/$category->slug'

Okay i solved it and it was pretty simple!

I simply added to data() the below code

categoryRoute: "/categories/",

Then adjusted the href like so

:href="this.categoryRoute + category.slug"

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