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Rails Turbo doesn't trigger turbo:load event

The turbo:load event is not fired after a turbo visit (as the documentation says it should). It works as expected after the initial full-page load. I can catch the "turbo:before-fetch-response" event, but I have no luck with turbo:load, :render, :frame-render, :frame-load.

My turbo_stream request is format TURBO_STREAM to destroy an attachment. The controller response is

respond_to do |format|
  format.turbo_stream do
    render 'attachments/delete_document',
               locals: { target: "docs-list-#{img.id}" }

and I'm returning two turbo-streams whose update and remove actions work as intended:

<turbo-stream action="remove" target="<%= target %>">

<turbo-stream action="update" target="flash_messages">
  <%= render partial: 'layouts/flash', formats: :html,
             locals: { type: :notice,
                       message: 'Attachment removed.' } %>

(Note: This is a bump of another post . The solution proposed there doesn't work in my case as the complete attribute only exists for HTML img elements .) (I'm using @hotwired/turbo@^7.1.0, @hotwired/turbo-rails@^7.1.1 in Rails 7.0.1)

I had resolve that problem with turbo:render event:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', startFrontController)
document.addEventListener('turbo:render', startFrontController)

function startFrontController(event) {
  document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', startFrontController)
  new FrontController().start()

See Turbo events documentation: https://turbo.hotwired.dev/reference/events

Similar to Sergio's answer, I ended up using one of the turbo-provided events - turbo:before-fetch-response in my case, since most other events didn't fire. Still not sure why.

However: I found that the best answer is to use Stimulus. Provides a clean interface for adding javascript functionality.

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