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dataweave 1.0 to 2.0 migration in mulesoft

I'm trying to convert the below dataweave from 1.0 to 2.0, but everything I've tried gives the following errors like evaluating-expression Error, Invalid input "reduce" and replace.

Mule 3 Dataweave 1.0:

%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
%var basicPolicy = payload.DTOApplication.DTOBasicPolicy
%var insuredInfo = payload.DTOApplication.DTOInsured
%var insuredPrimaryAddr = insuredInfo.*PartyInfo[?($.@PartyTypeCd == "InsuredParty")].*Addr[?($.@AddrTypeCd == "InsuredPrimaryBusAddr")][0]
%var lineLiability = payload.DTOApplication.*DTOLine[?($.@StatusCd == "Active" and $.@LineCd == "Liability")][0]
%var lineProperty = payload.DTOApplication.*DTOLine[?($.@StatusCd == "Active" and $.@LineCd == "CommercialProperty")][0]
%var lineProductLiability = payload.DTOApplication.*DTOLine[?($.@StatusCd == "Active" and $.@LineCd == "ProductLiability")][0]
%var primaryClassTotalExposure = lineLiability.*DTORisk[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@TypeCd == "Exposure")].*DTOGLClass[?($.@GLClassCode == primaryExposure)].@Exposure default [] reduce ((val,acc=0) -> acc + (val replace "\$" with "" replace "," with "") as :number)
%var primaryClassPLTotalExposure = lineProductLiability.*DTORisk[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@TypeCd == "Exposure")].*DTOGLClass[?($.@GLClassCode == primaryExposurePL)].@Exposure default [] reduce ((val,acc=0) -> acc + (val replace "\$" with "" replace "," with "") as :number)
    Policy: {
        PolType: basicPolicy.@SubTypeCd default "",
        Zip: insuredPrimaryAddr.@PostalCode[0..4] default "",
        EffDate: basicPolicy.@EffectiveDt default "",
        ExpDate: basicPolicy.@ExpirationDt default "",
        EBCov: lineProperty.@EquipmentBreakdown default "No",
        PolFeeOR2: payload.DTOApplication.*DTOFee[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@RateDRCFeeInd == "No")][0].@FullTermAmt default "",
        PolFeeOR: (payload.DTOApplication.DTOFeeOverrides.*DTOFeeOverride[?($.@Code == "POLF" and $.@OverrideInd == "Yes")][0].@Amount default "") when payload.DTOApplication.DTOFeeOverrides.*DTOFeeOverride[?($.@Code == "POLF" and $.@OverrideInd == "Yes")][0].@Amount != null
                    otherwise (payload.DTOApplication.*DTOFee[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@RateDRCFeeInd == "No")][0].@FullTermAmt default "")  when payload.DTOApplication.*DTOFee[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@RateDRCFeeInd == "No")][0].@FullTermAmt != null
                    otherwise "",
        LiabExp: primaryClassTotalExposure,
        ProdExp: primaryClassPLTotalExposure

Input payload: https://github.com/Manikandan99/rate-dtostep/blob/master/request.xml

Expected output: https://github.com/Manikandan99/rate-dtostep/blob/master/policy_response.xml

I tried dataweave 2.0:

%dw 2.0
output application/xml
var basicPolicy = payload.DTOApplication.DTOBasicPolicy
var insuredInfo = payload.DTOApplication.DTOInsured
var insuredPrimaryAddr = insuredInfo.*PartyInfo[?($.@PartyTypeCd == "InsuredParty")].*Addr[?($.@AddrTypeCd == "InsuredPrimaryBusAddr")][0]
var lineLiability = payload.DTOApplication.*DTOLine[?($.@StatusCd == "Active" and $.@LineCd == "Liability")][0]
var lineProperty = payload.DTOApplication.*DTOLine[?($.@StatusCd == "Active" and $.@LineCd == "CommercialProperty")][0]
var lineProductLiability = payload.DTOApplication.*DTOLine[?($.@StatusCd == "Active" and $.@LineCd == "ProductLiability")][0]
var primaryClassTotalExposure = lineLiability.*DTORisk[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@TypeCd == "Exposure")].*DTOGLClass[?($.@GLClassCode == primaryExposure)].@Exposure default [] reduce ((val,acc=0) -> acc + (val replace "\$" with "" replace "," with "") as :number)
var primaryClassPLTotalExposure = lineProductLiability.*DTORisk[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@TypeCd == "Exposure")].*DTOGLClass[?($.@GLClassCode == primaryExposurePL)].@Exposure default [] reduce ((val,acc=0) -> acc + (val replace "\$" with "" replace "," with "") as :number)
    Policy: {
        PolType: basicPolicy.@SubTypeCd default "",
        Zip: insuredPrimaryAddr.@PostalCode[0 to 4] default "",
        EffDate: basicPolicy.@EffectiveDt default "",
        ExpDate: basicPolicy.@ExpirationDt default "",
        EBCov: lineProperty.@EquipmentBreakdown default "No",
        PolFeeOR2: payload.DTOApplication.*DTOFee[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@RateDRCFeeInd == "No")][0].@FullTermAmt default "",
        PolFeeOR: (payload.DTOApplication.DTOFeeOverrides.*DTOFeeOverride[?($.@Code == "POLF" and $.@OverrideInd == "Yes")][0].@Amount default "") when payload.DTOApplication.DTOFeeOverrides.*DTOFeeOverride[?($.@Code == "POLF" and $.@OverrideInd == "Yes")][0].@Amount != null
                    otherwise (payload.DTOApplication.*DTOFee[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@RateDRCFeeInd == "No")][0].@FullTermAmt default "")  when payload.DTOApplication.*DTOFee[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@RateDRCFeeInd == "No")][0].@FullTermAmt != null
                    otherwise "",
        LiabExp: primaryClassTotalExposure,
        ProdExp: primaryClassPLTotalExposure 

Any ideas please on how to write the same in dataweave 2.0?

Adding few more points to @AnuragSharma's comments


  1. In your dw you have GLClassCode == primaryExposure , primaryExposure is not present in your input payload hence this will result in a null value and you cant use replace function along with null
  2. Since you are trying to cast to number, you can give a default value. Here I have set it to 0.
  3. Added encoding="UTF-8" as required in output

To test your code I have passed GLClasscode as CANDIS as you had that in your payload.

Note - > Please check your parenthesis as well.

%dw 2.0
output application/xml encoding="UTF-8"
var basicPolicy = payload.DTOApplication.DTOBasicPolicy
var insuredInfo = payload.DTOApplication.DTOInsured
var insuredPrimaryAddr = insuredInfo.*PartyInfo[?($.@PartyTypeCd == "InsuredParty")].*Addr[?($.@AddrTypeCd == "InsuredPrimaryBusAddr")][0]
var lineLiability = payload.DTOApplication.*DTOLine[?($.@StatusCd == "Active" and $.@LineCd == "Liability")][0]
var lineProperty = payload.DTOApplication.*DTOLine[?($.@StatusCd == "Active" and $.@LineCd == "CommercialProperty")][0]
var lineProductLiability = payload.DTOApplication.*DTOLine[?($.@StatusCd == "Active" and $.@LineCd == "ProductLiability")][0]
var primaryClassTotalExposure = lineLiability.*DTORisk[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@TypeCd == "Exposure")].*DTOGLClass[?($.@GLClassCode == "CANDIS")].@Exposure default [] reduce ($$++$) replace "\$" with "" replace "," with "" default 0  as Number
var primaryClassPLTotalExposure = lineProductLiability.*DTORisk[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@TypeCd == "Exposure")].*DTOGLClass[?($.@GLClassCode == "CANDIS")].@Exposure default []  reduce ($$++$) replace "\$" with "" replace "," with "" default 0 as Number
    Policy: {
        PolType: basicPolicy.@SubTypeCd default "",
        Zip: insuredPrimaryAddr.@PostalCode[0 to 4] default "",
        EffDate: basicPolicy.@EffectiveDt default "",
        ExpDate: basicPolicy.@ExpirationDt default "",
        EBCov: lineProperty.@EquipmentBreakdown default "No",
        PolFeeOR2: payload.DTOApplication.*DTOFee[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@RateDRCFeeInd == "No")][0].@FullTermAmt default "",
        PolFeeOR: if (payload.DTOApplication.DTOFeeOverrides.*DTOFeeOverride[?($.@Code == "POLF" and $.@OverrideInd == "Yes")][0].@Amount != null)
                        (payload.DTOApplication.DTOFeeOverrides.*DTOFeeOverride[?($.@Code == "POLF" and $.@OverrideInd == "Yes")][0].@Amount default "") 
                else if (payload.DTOApplication.*DTOFee[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@RateDRCFeeInd == "No")][0].@FullTermAmt != null)
                    (payload.DTOApplication.*DTOFee[?($.@Status == "Active" and $.@RateDRCFeeInd == "No")][0].@FullTermAmt default "")  
                    else "",
        LiabExp: primaryClassTotalExposure,
        ProdExp: primaryClassPLTotalExposure 


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

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