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Having issue publishing Node.js project to azure web service

I got this error when I publish to Azure web service. I installed and see that package mentioned in the error ipaddr.js in the node_modules folder though

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error TS6053 File 'C:/CodingProjects/OrderPickUp_App/OrderPickUp_App/node_modules/ipaddr.js' not found. The file is in the program because: Root file specified for compilation OrderPickUp_App JavaScript Content Files 1 Active

Few of the workarounds to solve the Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error TS6053 File.js' not found.

  • Restarting the Visual Studio / Visual Studio Code / IDE
  • Remove %temp% data
  • If Restarting the IDE appears the same error, try Opening the IDE > file - Folder Close and re-open File - Open Folder

Please check the workarounds which is a kind of similar error from Ref1 , Ref2 which resolves this kind of errors.

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