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Php how to convert a date time string in French back to its equivalent in English UTC

I have this date time string vendredi 11 février 2022 à 20:19:56 heure normale d'Europe centrale stored in my database.

Now I'm trying to convert it back to its equivalent in English UTC date time.

In order to process it, I tried strtotime :

$datetime = 'vendredi 11 février 2022 à 20:19:56 heure normale d’Europe centrale';

$tsparis = strtotime($datetime . ' Europe/Paris');


This shows bool(false) . How can I parse this string back to a timestamp.

You can use IntlDateFormatter to parse dates from strings as well as format them to strings.

In this case, passing a locale of 'fr_FR', and date and time formats of "full" should be enough:

$datetime = 'vendredi 11 février 2022 à 20:19:56 heure normale d’Europe centrale';

$parser = new IntlDateFormatter(
$tsparis = $parser->parse($datetime);


Gives int(1644607196) ; see online demo

This gives you a standard Unix timestamp, which you can process using whatever you want to generate a new output.

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