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testing react google maps useJsApiLoader using react testing library

I have this basic component, but whenever I try testing it with React Testing Library the only thing present on the screen is the div with the "loading" text. I think this is because isLoaded might not have a value when the component is first loaded.

How do I tell React Testing Library to wait until isLoaded is true so it can find other elements on the page?

import {
} from "@react-google-maps/api";

export const Map = () => {
  const { isLoaded } = useJsApiLoader("apikey");
  return isLoaded ? (
      <Autocomplete />
        <Marker />
  ) : (

export default Map;

You need to stub the isLoaded in useJsApiLoader .

Something like this approach (I've not tested this and you'd need to adjust the assertions to your requirements)...

import { screen, render } from "@testing-library/react";
import Map from "./Map";
import * as ReactGoogleMapsApi from "@react-google-maps/api";

describe("Map", () => {
  it("shows loader", () => {
      .spyOn(ReactGoogleMapsApi, "useJsApiLoader")
        isLoaded: false
    render(<Map />);


  it("shows map", () => {
      .spyOn(ReactGoogleMapsApi, "useJsApiLoader")
        isLoaded: true
    render(<Map />);

    expect(screen.getByText(/some map content/i)).toBeInDocument();

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