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Delta Load on BSEG table into AZure using SAP table conenctor

We are using SAP ABAP oracle environment.I'm trying to implement Change Data capture for the SAP BSEG table in Azure datafactory using SAP table connector. In SAP table connector, I don't see an option to pass any join conditions. Based on what fields we can capture the CDC on BSEG table.

BSEG is a cluster table. It dates back to R2 days on Mainframes. See Se11 BSEG --> Menu option Database Object --> Database utility. Run Check. It will most likely say NOT ON DATABASE.

If you want to access the data via views see one of the numerous index tables.
BSxx description Accounting: Secondary Index for xxxxx

These so called Index tables are separate tables that behave like indexes on bseg but arent true indexes as cluster tables can not have indexes.

The index tables are real tables you can access with joins/views. The document number can be used read BSEG later should that still be necessary. You may find FI_DOCUMENT_READ and BKPF useful too.

In theory the Index tables should be enough.

From the SAP Table connector help :

Currently SAP Table connector only supports one single table with the default function module. To get the joined data of multiple tables, you can leverage the customRfcReadTableFunctionModule property in the SAP Table connector following steps below

So no, table joins are not supported by default, you need to write in SAP backend a custom FM with the predefined interface. The interface to do is described in the help.

If you use Azure Data factory to Azure Data Explorer doing big tables like BSEG can be done with a work around.

Although BSEG is a cluster of tables in SAP, from the SAP Connector point of view it is a table with rows and columns which can be partitioned.

Here is an example for MSEG which is similar.


Kind Regards Gauchet

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