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Want to parse multiple key=value string to Map and then serialize it but map to string serialization fails

I am converting the key=value string Groovy Map. Then after some changes, returning back the serialize object. Example String --> dlpxDcTags = "OWNER=test,PROJECT=test2,COSTCENTER=1234,TEAM=devops"

  Map tags = [:]
  tags += dlpxDcTags.replaceAll('\\[|\\]', '').split(',').collectEntries { entry ->
    def pair = entry.split('=')
    [(pair.first().trim()): pair.last().trim()]
    return tags

def createDcenterTags(dlpxDcTags=null) {
  // Values passed from the environment of the user takes precedence
  tags = parseDcenterTags(dlpxDcTags)
  if (tags) {
    if (!(tags.get('PROJECT'))) {
        tags['PROJECT'] = env.JOB_NAME

    if (!tags.get('OWNER')) {
      // not supplied via dlpxDcTags
      tags['OWNER'] = env.BUILD_USER_EMAIL
  else {
    tags['PROJECT'] = env.JOB_NAME
    tags['OWNER'] = env.BUILD_USER_EMAIL
  return serializeDcenterTags(tags)

def serializeDcenterTags(tags){
  dlpxDcTags = {
    tags.collect { /$tags.key="$tags.value"/ } join ","
  return dlpxDcTags

Facing issue:

  • The variable when called from main jenkins job using this helper script is getting value “org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2@64ed2e4b”

After lot of reading and trying different ways, the very simple thing which worked for me was doing the serialization in the same method instead of defining and calling it from another method.

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