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Cannot receive any mail using default mail of swift mailer in yii2

I tried to mail using default mail of swift mailer but didn't receive any mail.

here is my config

 'mailer' => [
                'class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer',
                'viewPath' => '@common/mail/views',
                'useFileTransport'  => true,
                'enableSwiftMailerLogging' => true,

and here is code for send mail

                'name' => "Peter",
            ->setSubject('Delete reminder mail')

I don't know what's the issue please help thanks in advance.

I think you have issue in email configuration. Please used following code and check i hope this will work.

'mailer' => [
        'class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer',
        'viewPath' => '@common/mail',
        'useFileTransport' => false,
        'transport' => [
            'class' => 'Swift_SmtpTransport',
            'host' => 'smtp.gmail.com',
            'username' => 'username',
            'password' => 'password',
            'port' => '465',
            'encryption' => 'ssl',

$sendemail = Yii::$app->mailer->compose()
                ->attach(attachment path)
                ->setFrom(From Email)

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