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rxjs error handling with catchError and retry

I am trying to catch the errors in rxjs using the catchError operator und want to retry 3 time only if I get an errno=215

return this.httpService.post(url, data).pipe(
  tap(() => {
    console.log(`some debugging info`);

  map((response) => responseAdaptor(response)),
  retryWhen((error) => {
    return error.pipe(
      scan((acc, error) => {
        // RETRY ONLY IF ERROR error.errno == 215

        if (acc > 2) throw error;

        return acc + 1;
      }, 0),
  catchError((error) => {

    // Here I want the use `throwError`

    return of({ error: error.response });

Here is what I tried but unfortunately no idea how to combine scan counter and errno.

You can achieve that by moving the catchError operator to be before the retryWhen one, and by using take(3) operator to limit the retry attempts to 3 instead of using the scan one.

You can try something like the following:

this.httpService.post(url, data).pipe(
      tap(() => {
        console.log(`some debugging info`);
      map((response) => responseAdaptor(response)),
      catchError((error) => {
        // If the error is 215 then throw the error to trigger the retryWhen,
        // Otherwise return the error response.
        if (error.errno === 215) {
          return throwError(() => error);
        return of({ error: error.response });
      retryWhen((errors) => errors.pipe(delay(1000), take(3)))

This will complete the main Observable after 3 retry attempts. If you want to wrap the error and keep the main Observable working after 3 attempts, the observable returned by the retryWhen callback should return the following:

// This should be added directly after `take(3)` operator on the `errors` pipe.
concatMap((error) => of({ error: error.response })

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